Life is like a flowing river: ever changing, ever new, ever present but never them same. This is what vitality is – the unhindered flow of energy that flows through us, giving us an ever-present, ever changing unique experience. When we are fully engaged with our vitality and therefore life, we feel fresh, light, alive, buoyant, pleasantly expectant, trusting, spontaneous, energised, not a care in the world, because nothing, literally, matters in the grand scheme of things.
Do you feel like this now? Yes? Great! No? Then let’s find out why.
Something that has become very clear to me in my practice is that that fundamentally we become dis-eased when there is a stuckness in that flow of life. Just like a river, if that flow is blocked, there is stagnancy, decay and pollution – in physical terms, our bodies accumulate toxins, which degrade cells and are, from the holistic point of view, at the root of most chronic ailments.
What is the reason? Again, likening it to a river, we either hold onto the sides of the bank and let the current of life batter us, or dam up the river so we end up not moving at all, thereby stagnating.
So those of us who cling onto the tried and tested for fear of the new, (the banks of the river) end up trying to second-guess the future, feeling exhausted (adrenal fatigue is common) always fearing what is round the next corner. The main feeling that results in this is anxiety.
Those of us who dam up the river and remain stagnant, conversely, hold onto the past, letting that define them instead of the ever – present moment. The main feeling is depression and sadness.
What we should be doing is just throwing ourselves into the unhindered flow, sothat we only ever define what we are by what is currently (no pun) is experienced. Resultant feeling? You define yourself as pure innocence, fresh alive and new, nothing can define you, because it feels that you are life itself. Athletes master this and call it being in the zone, to achieve maximum potential in their performance. People spend decades in meditation to achieve this state, but I believe it is available to you right now – you’ve just got to see it!
So how can you become aware of your own patterning to achieve this vital state, thus ensuring pristine health and well-being? By looking at the conditions you put on life for it to be ok for you: “I can’t be happy until I’ve got a boyfriend”
“I can’t change my day-job until I’m financially secure”.
“I can’t improve my health until I have enough money”.
“I can’t take a sabbatical until I’ve got pregnant”.
“I can’t go on holiday until I have someone to go with me”.
“I can’t buy new clothes and look fab until I’ve lost weight”.
A friend once reminisced that she was in a job she hated, but decided not to give it up, until she got pregnant, in order to receive maternity leave for cash benefit. She did not, however get pregnant over the next year, so, being very fed up at this point, she listened to this and gave up her job anyway. Within a week she got pregnant! Conceiving new life in particular is greatly hindered by thinking in a conditional way and is really the product of love and passion, beyond the rational mind. Given the large numbers of infertile couples, we can see it is a common malaise that could be rectified by this new way of understanding how life works.
An exercise to re-calibrate yourself to transition from the dead zone to the Live Zone.
Just ask yourself: “If money, time, circumstances, and other people’s opinions were irrelevant, what would you be doing right now? In a week’s time? in a month, in a year and in 10 years? Spend as much time daydreaming as you can, and notice how you feel physically. Your body does not know the difference between the pictures in your head and the “reality” outside it. If it makes you feel better then you have already found your own solution.
Now ask yourself “How am I acting, what am I believing on a regular basis that is stopping me from going for that life?” Leave a space in your mind, for the answer to emerge in you.
This is what my work is all about, and that’s why my strap line is Homeopathy for Vitality – not homeopathy to get rid of symptoms, because hopefully you now know that that is not really the issue. Symptoms can be the result of the flow of life, as really they the body re-balancing itself. It’s the present, predominating and persisting symptoms that indicate the block to vitality resulting in the dead-zone. This is what I treat in the individual, because it is the the barriers to that have to be addressed in order to let the flow of life commence within you and through you.
As a final note, I’m not expounding that we live in a totally unbounded way as this would be too alien and disorientating given how our society currently is structured – for example saving for a rainy day. For me, when this thinking does become relevant is when illness is telling you that the constrictions to life are no longer serving you. This is what is then upper most in us to be healed.
So what are you awaiting for? Dive in!