With Meike Lawrence, BA (Hons), MBSHomeopathy, Cert. Mace Energy, Cert. Infinity Healing,
Founder of the Elements of Truth healing system.
Renew yourself TODAY

There are two forces at work within you:
What you feel on the inside versus how you act on the outside. When we do what feels right we live from passion, joy, creativity, spontaneity, instinct, serenity, aliveness.
When we resist our NATURAL FLOW, however, it causes inner conflict that leads to disease. This is in fact a form of self-rejection!
So why do we do it? We have been programmed in our DNA and nervous system, controlled by the brain to automatically think and behave like our ancestors. These are to keep us safe, but the price we pay is limitation and self-blame. Guilt, sadness, stress, anxiety, boredom, exhaustion and physical illness are some of the signs of this inner conflict.
The Elements of Truth is a unique method that can accurately identify and then release this inner resistance, so that we can be free to be our true selves, unconditionally.
Our conceptual understanding of natural substances such as metals, plants, minerals or animals represent qualities that can reveal the true causes of our inner conflict.
For example, platinum, the most valuable metal in the world represents the need to be the best. If you are a perfectionist and expect too much from yourself, this element, when accepted verbally will heal your consciousness field, to eliminate your demanding inner critic. Once this conditioned behaviour is no longer conflicting with your natural way of being, you automatically love and support who you are, without critising yourself, whilst still aiming for the best, because you are worth it!

We are all naturally creative and talented. It's what happens through us when we stop trying! This is the true source of our fulfilment and abundance. It's what makes us come alive!
However, self-criticism, self-sabotage, people pleasing, undervaluing and ignoring your feelings, being paralysed by over-analysing, victim and poverty consciousness and not feeling good enough, are some of the conditioned programs that stops our natural flow.
The Elements of Truth system helps you to identify and fully align to your hidden gifts and talents, instead of cutting them dead with the mental conditioning. Only then, can you live out your passions and desires with clarity and purpose. This way you can live from a solid foundation - THE REAL YOU.
You will start to live from the inside out, instead of letting Life determine your outcomes.

I'm Meike Lawrence and welcome.
"Be your True Self with the Elements of Truth".
As a child, I often wished that everyone, including myself, could just drop the pretense and be REAL. Imagine how effortless and honest as well as interesting, adventurous and creative your life would be.
As an adult, it dawned on me that we are all programmed by society to behave and think in certain ways in order to fit in and survive. This programming then, if in conflict with your natural personality, will repress it! Worrying about other people's opinions of you, rather than doing what is right for you could be an example of that.
Working in I.T as an analyst and computer programmer, I realised that the information flow was key to freedom of choice and empowered decision making that could ensure success. Neural pathways (our nervous system) is the wiring in our bodies, which are bio-energetic, that is the conduit to information. The trick is to rewire it to get better information in order maximise our potential - so instead of running old programs to do things like our ancestors did them, we start to open up to inspired action and blue-sky thinking so we can find better ways of doing things. I started to see that as long as we have a map to areas that are unfamiliar to us (in our conditioned behaviour) and receive better data, we could live in a more expanded and less limited way. It is only fear and ignorance that keeps us limited! This helped to form the basis to the idea that it is possible to live beyond boundaries.
Retraining as a homeopath I started to understand the way to achieve my vision. Limited programmed thoughts, feelings and behaviours are held in place through RESISTANCE. Homeopathy cures the root cause of disease by mirroring rather than masking symptoms. In other words, ACCEPTANCE is the contra-intuitive cure to unlock those boundaries that maintains conflict, disease and limitation within us
Twenty-five years later, I also trained in Infinity Healing TM, Mace Energy Method TM and a colour spread feature in "What Doctors Don't Tell You" magazine about my success as a healer, I invented a powerful healing tool called The Elements of Truth.
I offer myself to you as your guide back to your authentic self.
Let me show you the way HOME.