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What is your natural Element? Take the Quiz

Writer's picture: meikelawrencemeikelawrence

Updated: Apr 25, 2020


I  clarify and map out  my client’s PATH TO WELLNESS through a four elements system.

The key to good health and wellbeing is how effective our life-force can flow through our bio-energetic systems. That is determined by how balanced our systems are functioning. A simple way to evaluate what is happening we can categorise how we are currently functioning and then correct any imbalances.

Each of the four elements embody different qualities and they display the four fundamental ways in which your life-force can express itself through you.

Our individual natural tendencies predominate in one of the four elements. But when they become too imbalanced, then dis-ease will result, because it inhibits the full expression of our life-force through our bio-energetic systems.

This quiz will help you understand your natural elemental expression state and what to do to get yourself in balance, taking you on the road to better health and well-being.


There are four sections – each with 7 questions. Add up the number of ‘yes’ answers you give for each one. The section with the most yes's will give you your element below in the Answers.

Section 1:

Do you normally feel sensitive to other people’s feelings?

Do you enjoy the arts, writing, music to relax?

Do you worry that you are not attractive enough?

Do you find it difficult to say no, because you’d feel guilty?

Do you tend to feel sad when upset?

Do you find it difficult to throw old things away?

Section 2:

Are you goal orientated or competitive by nature?

Your predominating negative feeling is irritation, frustration or anger?

Do you tend to become impatient if things don’t get done?

Do you prioritise planning for the future?

Are your gut instincts good?

Do you enjoy risk taking, in business or socially?

Do you get bored easily?

Section 3

Are you a natural day dreamer?

Would you say you’re good at being objective and detached?

Do you have a perfectionist streak?

Do you find you have lot of good ideas but don’t always follow them through?

Do you find that your sense of humour breaks down social barriers?

Do like to find better ways of doing things?

Do you like to share your wealth of information with others?

Section 4

Are you methodical and measured in the way that you do things?

Do you tend to feel anxious in new or unfamiliar places or people?

Do you feel most comfortable in homely and familiar surroundings?

Do you have a gift to create beautiful things – gardening, interior design, packaging, architecture, etc.

Are you even-tempered, but when pushed, stubborn?

Do you tend to enjoy activities and food that feed the senses?

Do you prioritise planning your material and financial security?


Pick the section the you answered the most yeses to :

Section 1  – your main expression is WATER.

The WATER element represents our emotions driven by our sub-conscious. It is the yielding or feminine aspect of ourselves.

The qualities are expressed through nurturing, visual creativity such as art and dreaming, empathy, loving, giving, psychic abilities.

If WATER predominates too much resulting diseases could include:

Psychologically the person feels overwhelmed, resentful, passive-aggressive, grief-stricken emotionally and mood swings.

Physical symptoms  circulation problems, chest and throat complaints, over-production of mucous, swelling of glands and hormonal imbalances.

CURE: If you are a WATER type but need to rebalance, adopt more FIRE qualities, examples:

  1. politely say no, when it doesn’t feel right.

  2. connect and serve your deepest and most burning passions and desires to create the life that you want.

  3. protect your feelings and stop dancing to other peoples tune, if it makes you feel bad.

Section 2 – your main expression is the FIRE element.

FIRE represents our instincts, run by our super consciousness. It is the inner drive to achieve masculine aspect of ourselves.

The qualities of FIRE are expressed through actions, goal orientation, self-mastery, leadership and protection.

If FIRE is overbalanced, diseases could include:

Psychologically  too aggressive, intolerant, unfeeling, narcissistic, addicted to adrenaline and gambling and unreasonable risk taker.

Physically heart pathology, auto-immune disease, high blood pressure.

CURE: If you are a FIRE type but need to rebalance, adopt more WATER qualities, for example:

  1. Try and put yourself more in other people shoes, see it from their point of view, that way you get less frustrated if they’re not doing what you think is right.

  2. Tell an important person in your life how much you love and appreciate them.

  3. Generally take an attitude of gratitude to even the smallest things in your life.

Section 3 – Your main expression is the AIR element.

AIR represents our thinking function. It is the inner parent, ‘one that knows’ conscious aspect of ourselves.

The qualities of  air is freedom, joy, new ideas, The Idealist, intuition or inner knowing, consciousness, Laws and Principles, adaptability and problem solver.

If AIR is overbalanced, diseases could include:

Psychologically ungrounded, perfectionist, lack of boundaries, unrealistic and detached, feeling more ‘special’ or different to others.

Physically digestive problems (due to mental over processing), allergies, attention deficit, dryness of skin hair nails, persistent headaches.

CURE: If you are an AIR type but need to rebalance, adopt more EARTH qualities.

  1. Give your brain a holiday and just be present in your body, feel the sensations and find a still-point within.

  2. Give up on trying to find out and see the your current situations is giving you all the pointers that you need operating on a need to know basis.

  3. spend time in nature and walk bare foot outside.

Section 4. Your main expression is the EARTH element.

EARTH represent our bodies and  physical sensory function. It is the inner child, unconscious innocent aspect of ourselves.

The qualities of the EARTH element is stillness, security, innocence, rest, beauty, and nurturing.

If EARTH is overbalanced diseases could include:

Psychologically  insecure, anxious, feel victimised, too passive, averse to new experiences, addiction to overconsumption eg shopping, slowness in development and learning.

Physically overweight, prone to parasites and bacterial and viral infections, addictions to physical substance eg food, drugs.

CURE: If you are an EARTH type but need to rebalance, adopt more AIR qualities.

  1. Spend time imagining how you would like to change aspects of your life that are not working for you.

  2. Entertain yourself with humour and fantasy, allow it to bring a lightness to your being.

  3. if you feel stuck in a frustrating situation, learn to love what you have and invent new ways of fulfilling your needs.

  4. Space clear your home or office, letting go of anything that is NOT useful to you.

natural health

In my work as a Homeopath, I have categorised the homeopathic remedies into the 4 elements:

Air is  represented by gases and metals,

Earth represented by poisons, gemstones, radiation and mineral,

Water by plants and waters,

Fire by animals, acids and animal products.

I have now devised that the quantum healing version of homeopathy - The Elements of Truth.

By verbally accepting the individual elements we take away the resistance, held in our nervous system, to the natural flow of our life-force, so that your balance can be restored.

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