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Is your blood too acid or too alkaline? It could be the cause of some underlying health problems.

Writer's picture: meikelawrencemeikelawrence
ph chart

In my practice I focus on predispositions and tendencies toward ill health, which are the underlying problems waiting to happen. So when things get challenging in your life and you start to feel physically or emotionally bad – instead of  firefighting or using sticking plasters, intelligently improve your constitution in order to future-proof your long-term outlook.

In homeopathy, as with many other holistic therapies, we see the vital energy as the primary component to healing. What that means in practice is that we have to see other mind/emotions and body as a electro-magnetic field. And if electro-magnetic field is distorted in some way so that it hinders the flow of this vital energy. Vital Energy is really photonic (light) in nature and is therefore a neutral energy, as opposed to the pushing energy of electricity and the pulling energy of magnetism. So one can argue that in order to allow the photonic energy to have full access to our bio-energetic sphere in order to restore it and enable the optimal functioning, we have to balance or equalise that electro magnetism in our energy field. The trick is to understand the nature of the distortion in each individual and one good way is looking at the PH levels of the blood. Why? because PH is determined by the number of positively or negatively charged ions in the solution and at the risk of being too ‘sciencey’, because I want this information to remain crystal clear, alkaline solutions have too many positively charged hydrogen ions and acidity too many negatively charged oxygen ions – here we have the potential for distortion of the electromagnetic field if the PH is not in neutral – negative charges being the magnetic pull that occurs in acids and  positive charges being the electric push. The PH of blood should ideally be 7.4 to be neutral for it’s purpose, but any increase to 7.45 (or higher causing alkalosis) is already too alkaline. Similarly a decrease to 7.35 (or lower to cause acidosis) will be too acidic. But although the distortion may seem subtle, enabling the body to continue functioning, it can cause some profound long-term degradation of health.

The role blood plays in our physiology is to circulate Oxygen around the body – Oxygen,  is an embodiment of our life-force (prana as it is called in Eastern philosophies) and the effectiveness of this endeavour  will depend on how distorted the electro-magnetic field, as represented in this case by the PH level of the blood.

So how does this display itself in practice? What can we do at home, TODAY, to start neutralising our body in order for our life force to flow less impeded?

If you have any or a combination of the following symptoms, then your blood can tend to be TOO ACIDIC:

  1. Negative emotions: predominate with depression, grief and sadness

  2. Family or personal history includes: cancer, heart dis-ease

  3. Physical tendencies include: cysts, hormonal imbalance

  4. Mental tendencies include: Addiction, co-dependancy, bi-polar mood swings

We can start to see that due to the predominance of negative Oxygen ions, there seems to be a perceived ‘lack’ that needs to be filled, within the psyche. Oxygen, in my homeopathic system, represents the void, or nothingness, so there is a need to fill that void. Here the symptoms are about unhealthy attachments or retention of things that should be eliminated from the body. The skew is too much assimilation and not enough elimination.

To start neutralising the ACID, the solution that you can put in place today is to:

  1. Completely cut out red and processed meat.

  2. Increase your fresh fruit and vegetable intake to be 75% of your diet, and of that, a third to be consumed raw.

Conversely, here are some of the many symptoms you could have if  your blood tends to be TOO ALKALINE:

  1. Negative emotions predominate with anger, anxiety or fear

  2. Family or personal history includes: autoimmune diseases, digestion problems, allergies or skin problems.

  3. Physical tendencies include: skin problems,  allergies, chronic inflammatory problems, calcification problems such as gall stones, candida

  4. Mental tendencies include: Attention deficit, OCD, stress, autism

We can see how the predominance of positively charged hydrogen atoms are influencing the psyche, whereby, there is a feeling that there is too much and you need to get away from everything or get rid of things. Hydrogen, as an element in homeopathy, represents detachment so wants to disconnect to create more emptiness in it’s life. So the body and mind is either in ‘fight or flight’ mode. The skew therefore is too much elimination and not enough assimilation, for example lack of mental assimilation in the mind tendencies and digestive assimilation in the digestion problems.

To start neutralising the ALKALINE, the solution that you can put in place today is to:

  1. Drink half a teaspoon of cider vinegar twice a day diluted in either hot or cold water. it is pure asetic acid and in another blog I will explain why this is a life-giver in the truest form.

  2. Drink distilled water ideally exclusively from all other waters. Pure H2O, which contain only negatively charged ions will reach all areas of the body and magnetize the positively charged toxins and pull them out of the body.

If you try my advice, and see how things change for you, please comment below.

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