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Where to find the solution to your health problems


Many people who have chronic health conditions have spent time and money looking everywhere for the elusive right diet, right pill, regime, right exercise which can help for a while, but…

to find a permanent source of well-being, you have to look in the least expected place:

YOU are the source of your own HEALING POWERS, in the same way,

YOU are the source of your own HAPPINESS

YOU are the source of your own SECURITY

YOU are the source of your own CREATIVITY and therefore ABUNDANCE

YOU are the source of your AUTHORITY and VALIDATION

YOU are the source of  LOVE and COMPASSION for yourself.

YOU are the source of your own WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE

Because YOU are the source of your own vital energy, it is your life force.

This is really good news, because your fundamental well-being is really not dependant on external factors after all and you realise that you can be really well, happy and secure  regardless of your external circumstances and what is available to you.

The ONLY question remains is: what is disconnecting you from your own source of energy and thereby transforming your experience? What are you inadvertently doing that is taking you away from what will make you WHOLE and COMPLETE?

Homeopathy understands this mechanism, and so it’s only purpose, in times when the client is chronically unwell, is to endeavour to re-connect you with you own innate healing powers. We do this by working out how the person is inadvertently disconnecting themselves usually due to the conditioning, life situations and genetic makeup. We then find a remedy that matches this patterning or tendency in order heal it and thereby enabling the reconnection with your Vital Energy to occur. The net result is not only the physical problems healing, but that you generally feel better in yourself.

Here are some typical blocks to self-connection:

When you feel emotional or physically bad, what thoughts do you have?

What are you saying to yourself? Are you criticising the way you are? Judgement is a form of self-rejection, which disconnects you with yourself.


What do you think needs doing that is coming ahead of your current needs and desires? When we put goals before ourselves, we disconnect from ourselves.


What trouble are other people causing for you? This is a sign that you’ve inadvertently given others authority over you. Be your own point of reference and authority and thereby you reconnect with yourself.


What do you believe you haven’t got to be ok? We can compromise ourselves in the pursuit of things we think we lack, such as money, friendship, love.

When we start to become aware of how we are compromising ourselves, due to the belief that the outside world is more important than we are, we have a choice:

“Do I want to play the victim or do I want my power back?”

If you want your power – which is your life force – back then YOU have to the most important thing in your life. In order to do this we have to listen inwards not outwards as our first priority.

CLUES that will let you know whether you are connecting with yourself and thereby your life-force:

When you are thinking or doing something that makes your heart sink –  this is your natural alarm signal that you are disconnecting from your life force – your body always tells the truth.

When you are connected, you feel either passionate, ‘in the moment’, excited, interested, loving, peaceful – these are the results and not cause of being connected to your life force – it is therefore your natural state.

How it works in practice:

A great example of this, with a timely reminder that Apple was recently proclaimed the most profitable company in the world due to its most desirable products. The late founder and visionary behind Apple, Steve Jobs, who was known for his counter-culture background  interestingly spent a year in India in his youth. India is the mecca for spiritual seekers, whereby it is encouraged to look within in mediation, and notice dispassionately what our thoughts are up to and what we would normally be compelled to act upon. Once these thoughts (which are only thoughts, with no actual substance) are seen through, our ‘true nature’ which precedes those thoughts is seen. And that is the immense power, wisdom and love that we really ‘are’. So, Steve Jobs is one of many examples of how each of us could see beyond current constrained thinking, by thus tapping into his own creativity – which is one of the many functions of our vital energy which develops bigger and better ideas.


If you would like a consultation with me, either on Skype or in person in Surrey, UK, please contact me at, or visit my website at

Meike Lawrence

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